Saturday, November 26, 2005

Hog Sewage From Factory Farms - Would You Eat It?

My husband was out for a short drive Thanksgiving Day while our "sustainable farming" range-fed turkey cooked slowly in the oven -- in preparation for our feast to give thanks for all we have.

Not far from our home, another Thanksgiving Day Dinner was underway:

Sandhill Cranes Thanksgiving Day Dinner Pictured Above

Next year, the land they are eating on right now will be flooded with hog sewage from the hog factory currently under construction in the background -- directly in front of the lush forests of the Jasper-Pulaski Fish & Wildlife Area game conservation area.

Above - Zooming In For A Closer View

If I were to pour a 40 gallon drum of hog waste on the courhouse lawn, I'd be prosecuted. Nobody eats off that lawn. However, in the picture above, hundreds of Sandhill Cranes are eating off the very same "lawn" that they have foraged for food on for years in this region. It's their dinner plate. Next year, it will be sprayed with tons of pathogen-laden drug-laden raw hog sewage from 2,496 pigs!

Hog Hell next door to Game Reserve

And Hundreds of Other Wildlife Creatures Will Be Eating There Too!

Imagine deer, fox, coons, rabbits, moles, frogs ...and even snakes, hundreds of different species of wildlife foraging for food on this land next year after it has been sprayed with tons of hog sewage. It's their dinner plate, too!

There are certain government bodies in charge of:

- protecting our health
- protecting our environment
- protecting our waters
- protecting our wildlife
- and protecting our rights!

It's time for them to "earn" their pay, don't you think?

Stop the damages being done by factory farms everywhere -- and most important -- halt this hog farm from ever going into operation now -- before it's too late!


kmyers said...

PS: I was just contacted by Grace Farms. They'll be publishing my "personal letter" on their website ... the letter describes in detail the appalling way in which we were treated at the Jasper County Indiana Board of Zoning Appeals meeting. I'll post the link when I get it.

kmyers said...

PSS: and even more news received today... owing to many reported factory farm related illnesses, a moratorium has been proposed by the American Public Health Association, until all health and environmental concerns are addressed. I'll post more news on this subject soon!