Saturday, March 05, 2005

How do you stack up with the competition?

If you are a full time at home worker, you know you're competing with a TON of other products and services around the world.

"By one estimate, 700 new products are introduced every day. Last year, 26,893 new food and household products materialized on store shelves around the world, including 115 deodorants, 187 breakfast cereals and 303 women's fragrances. In all, 2 million brands vie for attention."

For instance, I have one website converting extremely well for our topselling Goji Juice - a fantastic drink I have every single day - from FREE traffic. In fact, I get better sales from my free search engine traffic than I do from my PPC traffic. (Go figure?)

Another website, which I won't link to here since it's going through some MAJOR overhauling, is doing poorly in both search engines and elsewhere. (It needs a TON of work to fix!)

And yet, I've only just begun my exploration into blogs and bloggings as a means of getting more traffic to all of my websites. Will it prove to be a useful marketing method? Or just another HUGE investment in time that leads to few, if any sales?

Then, of course, I do the free News Release thing. (This has resulted in more than a few reporters contacting me.)

And also the link exchange thing.

Oh, and I recently found a super cool offline media auction thing where I might play with a few magazine ad slicks...

But, when you consider the numbers of new products, stacked against all those that already exist, competition is fierce --- agreed?

Sure, I have over 200 different "guerrilla marketing" techniques that I employ for marketing everything I do ...and here's the MOST surprising thing.

The majority of all my income comes through REFERRAL marketing.

Yes! Even my copywriting services (which are now adding up to $10,000 a month and more) ... every single job I've done for website content and for related writing services has come from a personal referral of one kind or another (such as customer follow-up autoresponder series, prospecting series, flash movie choreography and content, etc., etc. ...mostly for Network Marketing clients yet also a few from outside the industry).

Even our retail sales through the business my husband and I own jointly ...sales from referrals add up to more than 45% of our income.

If you're not using referral marketing in one form or another, you might want to reconsider. Just imagine how much money you could be walking away from.

Uh-oh... I smell food cooking. My wonderful husband must be doing dinner for us tonight. Gotta run.

Have a SUPER weekend!

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