Sunday, May 17, 2009

South Bend Hotbed

By now, you've probably heard all about the hotbed of activities going on in South Bend, Indiana, over the President's pending commencement speech at Notre Dame today.

Personally, I don't see a problem with the speech part of the visit since Presidents are often guests to such events at major Universities in this country ... but... I have to admit I share the belief that the Honorary Degree crossed a line, honoring someone who most obviously does not share Catholic beliefs on some very important subjects.

I'm guessing there are more than a few people who wish the Honorary Degree was not part of the event. I wonder what the spin will be on this when everyone moves forward?

Over 400 people have been arrested in riots to date regarding this commencement speech.

The Administration is probably, in one way at least, thankful for the attention being drawn away from the Pelosi pickle barrel they've landed in.

There are a growing number of people believing she should voluntarily step down from the Speaker's Chair and/or resign. If the Dems throw her to the wolves, I wonder who their next "scapegoat" will be to deflect attention from the economy when yet another shoe drops. (Oh yeah. It's coming. I'll tell you more next week.)

But I digress...

Back to the commencement speech. By the way things are being portrayed in far left media, I see a bit of "underdog" like marketing in play... that's kind of bizarre, actually.

You see, it's pretty hard to paint the "victim" picture when your "hero" has made it so clear he likes his superpowers so much. (Are you picturing tights and a cape? LOL)

I'm still reading The 5000 Year Leap. In fact, as chance would have it, I'm on the "4th Principle: The Role of Religion" right at the section where Justice Joseph Story of the Supreme Court pointed out why the Founders as well as the states themselves felt the federal government should be absolutely excluded from any authority in the field of settling questions on religion.

In an excerpt from Justice Story's now-famous "Commentaries on the Constitution" he stated clearly and unequivocally:
Following the speech excerpt above, the book goes on to say...
This is why the First Amendment of the Constitution provides that "Congress shall make NO law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."
I wonder what the Founders would be thinking now if they were to witness Obama giving his commencement speech when, from what I'm given to understand, he will be meeting the controversy head-on with respect to his beliefs which are so contrary to Catholic beliefs regarding stem cell research and abortion.

Contrary to what some people think, the Founders truly wanted to encourage religions in this country. A lot of people have a completely mistaken interpretation of the term "Separation of Church and State" which is so often used to boycott religions in schools and public properties/institutions.

Even with the many, many safeguards they put into the Constitution and other important documents to help religions flourish in the USA, it's obvious, to me at least, that in this important area that originally defined the fabric of America the Founders failed.

It's not their fault, however, as it failed more as a result of "statesmen" who rose to power long after they left.

There is a powerful reason the words -- "In God We Trust" -- were so intertwined with so many facets of this country.

But those who wish to abolish the words (and the ideals and beliefs behind them) have little concept of what this can (and most likely will) lead to, if successful, within a nation such as ours.

Those are the very people who truly need to read The 5000 Year Leap. But I haven't met any of them that are open minded enough to see beyond their own definition of "separation of Church and State" which they cling to so tightly.

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